2. Fred Teresa (BN XO)
3. Ray Wilson
4. John Bigelow
5. Dave Smith (PA)
6. Don Davis (CO, HHB, wife: Donna)
7. Mark Cummins (Signal Officer)
8. Darryl Peebles
9. Jim Lowe
10. Euless Madewell (CO, B Btry)
11. Ed Durham
12. Roger Welch (BN Chaplin)
13. John Marsh, (XO, A Btry)
Wayne Madewell
509 Amos Ave
Poteau, OK 74953
Just received a contact from Wayne Madewell and pointed me to the 2-28 FA blog site. I'm anxious to get in touch with you guys. Feel free to send me a note.
Jim Lowe
I was there in 74/75 you can contact me by texting 816 3379316 Robert Vaughn former c battery 2/28 f.a
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